Special talk by Ustaz Sajid Ahmed Umar (hafizahullaah) on the 12th of June 2016.
Topic: The Three I’s Of Success
Venue: Yayasan Ta’lim, KL
Ustaz Sajid Ahmed Umar was born in Leicester, UK. He moved to Harare, Zimbabwe, where he completed his schooling and pursued a degree in IT, graduating with a first class result. He went on to successfully open an IT business. Alongside his contemporary studies, Ustaz Sajid completed the memorization of the Qur’an at the age of 18. Subsequently, he turned his attention towards Islamic Studies.
He travelled to Riyadh and enrolled at Imaam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University, where he initially completed a 3-year University Diploma in Arabic language and Islamic Sciences. His studies continued there over the next four years, attaining a Bachelors degree in Sharī’ah. He extended his studies for an additional three years, and achieved a Masters degree in Judiciary (Qadha), with a first class honours, from the Higher Institute for Judiciary Studies (Ma’had al-‘āli li’l-Qa’dhā) after training as a judge and successfully completing a thesis on the topic of Liquidity Management using the famous Repurchase Agreement (REPO) contract, as well as it’s rulings and permitted alternatives. He is now pursuing his PhD in the Higher Institute of Judiciary at Al-Imam University, in a program that has some of the world’s best intellectuals as lecturers in the program.
Ustaz Sajid is happily married and the father of two young boys, Abdullah and Ahmed. He has a brown belt in karate, is a keen golfer, swimmer, footballer and cricketer.
Yayasan Ta’lim adalah sebuah badan dakwah yang berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PPAB-02/2009) untuk menyampaikan ilmu-ilmu agama yang sahih kepada masyarakat melalui kelas-kelas pengajian, pengedaran bahan bacaan seperti buku-buku dan risalah serta aktiviti-aktiviti dakwah yang lain.
Oleh itu, sumbangan anda sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu di dalam usaha ini. Setiap sumbangan anda layak mendapat pengecualian daripada Cukai Pendapatan di bawah Sub Seksyen 44 (6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Akaun “Yayasan Ta’lim”
CIMB 860-0066-987