Special talk by Sh. Abdur-Raheem McCarthy (hafizahullaah) on the 27th of May 2017.
Topic: The Objectives Of Ramadan
Venue: Yayasan Ta’lim, KL
Shaikh Abdur Raheem McCarthy is of Irish-American heritage and was born and raised in the USA.
After accepting Islam in 1994, he moved to Sudan and then Saudi Arabia where he spent ten years in Madinah studying under the scholars and as a student in the Islamic University of Madinah. He has studied and benefited from more than a hundred different scholars.
He graduated from the Arabic Institute and then from the faculty of Da’wah and Usool Ad-Deen, Islamic University of Madinah.
He is well known from his TV shows on Peace TV, Huda TV, Tayba TV, Sharjah TV and Qatar TV, along with lecturing internationally with the Peace Conference in India and Dubai, and conferences in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Qatar, UAE and Sudan.
He served as the Head of the Islamic Studies Department in the Sudanese Oxford Academy, Khartoum, Sudan for more than five years.
Shaikh McCarthy has now decided to follow his roots and is living in Ireland, while supporting Da’wah projects internationally.
Yayasan Ta’lim adalah sebuah badan dakwah yang berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PPAB-02/2009) untuk menyampaikan ilmu-ilmu agama yang sahih kepada masyarakat melalui kelas-kelas pengajian, pengedaran bahan bacaan seperti buku-buku dan risalah serta aktiviti-aktiviti dakwah yang lain.
Oleh itu, sumbangan anda sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu di dalam usaha ini. Setiap sumbangan anda layak mendapat pengecualian daripada Cukai Pendapatan di bawah Sub Seksyen 44 (6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Akaun “Yayasan Ta’lim”
CIMB 860-0066-987