Yayasan Ta’lim: Naseeha – Advising Ourselves! [18-03-17]
Special talk by Ustaz Hassan Akbar (hafizahullaah) on the 18th of March 2017.
Topic: Naseeha – Advising Ourselves!
Venue: Yayasan Ta’lim, KL
Born and raised in New York City, His Islamic education began at an early age at the feet of his father Imam Abdullah Akbar (Rahimahullah). His father was the first native Imam in the island of Jamaica and held that position for 17 years before moving to America. Imam Hassan has completed his Bachelors Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from New York City College of Technology. He then enrolled in The Islamic University of Arees in 2009, earning his Masters Degree in Islamic Studies and certification in Islamic Inheritance. Imam Hassan is a Certified Inheritance Distributor (CID), and a part time tutor for Arees University. He is also the Director of Operations for Muslim Free Burial Association, a non-profit organization created to assist poor and marginalized Muslims after their death. Imam Hassan is proficient in the Arabic language and a full-time Khateeb (Speaker).
Yayasan Ta’lim adalah sebuah badan dakwah yang berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PPAB-02/2009) untuk menyampaikan ilmu-ilmu agama yang sahih kepada masyarakat melalui kelas-kelas pengajian, pengedaran bahan bacaan seperti buku-buku dan risalah serta aktiviti-aktiviti dakwah yang lain.
Oleh itu, sumbangan anda sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu di dalam usaha ini. Setiap sumbangan anda layak mendapat pengecualian daripada Cukai Pendapatan di bawah Sub Seksyen 44 (6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Akaun “Yayasan Ta’lim”
CIMB 860-0066-987